
You r never alone!

Name: M.prasaanth
Age: Still 14 gona be 15 this august 22
CUrrently studying in NVSS in sec 3e2. former 1 n 2e2 student.

April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 June 2009 January 2010


+ Kavita
+ Rina
+ Amirul
+ Riz
+ Kat
+ Robin
+ Zul
+ Wei Feng
+ Roshan
+ Novell
+ Ruhayu
+ Joshua
+ Jing Hui
+ Nurul
+Sir hock sheng
+ Jack
+ Rudy
+ Hong Liang
+ Shaciiner
+ LiJing
+ Pravin
+ Sharvin
+ Ghup

Song of the Month

Madcon - Beggin.mp3 - HELLO.
Tagboard 160px width

Background: im-meeting
Image: serenity88
Icon: famel
Signature: vpru
HTML: axrinekey

Hi i have been vry lazy to post.. so yea i wont be updating my blog frequently..
im so bored..
amazingly i have been studying maths for the past few days..
n amazingly its also fun to do but its so confusing..
haven had time for glowstringing..
so yea waiting for weekends to come gona get a new bag yay..
im sick n tired of carrying crumplers..
so many books then my shoulders always pain
time to get a new bag lol.
ok so yea nothing else.. nxt time!!

Based on: 6:00 PM ,

P.S.: You are not alone.


i felt bored so decided to update my blog.
Firstly i juz got hit in the eye again for the 2nd time by glowsticking...
seriously fking pain till i cry..
feel like want to stop glowstringing but nvm fun n nice...
waaa but seroiusly dam pain i hit my own eye dam hard....
so school has been the same nothing new or fun...
i some how feel proud i dont kno y??
nothing much to say already....
oh yea n my studies is really killing me!!!!!!!
n my eye is still hurting..
i wonder if other glowstick ravers got hit their own eye b4???
if got its natural but nvr then i suck,..
but confirm they got hit their own head,balls or finger nails
n those areas r the most painfull areas..
kena hit at those areas alot n seriously alot of times rdy...
espcially the balls n figernails can cry aso....

lol bored k off to do other

Based on: 5:18 PM ,

P.S.: You are not alone.