
You r never alone!

Name: M.prasaanth
Age: Still 14 gona be 15 this august 22
CUrrently studying in NVSS in sec 3e2. former 1 n 2e2 student.

April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 June 2009 January 2010


+ Kavita
+ Rina
+ Amirul
+ Riz
+ Kat
+ Robin
+ Zul
+ Wei Feng
+ Roshan
+ Novell
+ Ruhayu
+ Joshua
+ Jing Hui
+ Nurul
+Sir hock sheng
+ Jack
+ Rudy
+ Hong Liang
+ Shaciiner
+ LiJing
+ Pravin
+ Sharvin
+ Ghup

Song of the Month

Madcon - Beggin.mp3 - HELLO.
Tagboard 160px width

Background: im-meeting
Image: serenity88
Icon: famel
Signature: vpru
HTML: axrinekey

So as usual today skool
i kena dc coz i help pravin lie to mr lingam
then he shout shout at me is till laugh
then mr habib outside staring at me
then kena 1hr dc
but fun
sec4s there jokers
then aftr that go have lunch wif riz
then he had to go
so i stay in skool play soccer
then aftr awile ghup n zul come play
then while sitting coz i not playing i resting
i saw joyce walk out of class
carrying 1 window pane
then i shocked
i ask wat happen
she nvr reply juz look at me
then ltr i saw rufus i ask her she show few tissues wif blood i tink
then i tmr go see wat happen
then play awile mor
then i sec4 pravin siddiq n saleem 1 team
ghup zul rahim n harris 1 team
then wah the ball bounce i n ghup volley toghether at same time from opposite side
the ball flew dam high
higher then the skool buildings
was like sooooo cool
then all make nice
all waaaa nice
then we play like crazy
i kick ghup back
i swing my hand hit his face lols
then aftr tha suddenly jie wei n fitri disappear
then i no choice go wif the zull they all ah
as usual jk jk then go home
so tmr wednesday
skool start late


Based on: 7:26 PM ,

P.S.: You are not alone.


Oh yea so yesterday went to xps open hse!!!
long time since i been to xishan
met alot of teachers
mr guna, miss farina(she toks eng chinese n malay(how cool..lols))
then saw alot of teachers n primary skool frens
i met kavi
then roshan
then wait for riz n fifi
then we go in try find for riz nephew
but cant find
so we walk walk ard
then aftr that we go out of skool met alvina n her couz n fren...
then aftr that again go in skool bring her bro
go walk walk
then we go make ballon coz he wanted
then we met mrs vara there!!!
my primary 6 math teacher
so long nvr see
then we make dogs n gave mine to mrs vara
then we made swords n have it to alvinas bro
so cute lols
then aftr that go out go meet alvina
then i roshan n kavi go back skool walk walk then want go home
we go bbt near our skool ther
roshan blanja kavi
then aftr that i went back home ah!!!

Based on: 3:23 PM ,

P.S.: You are not alone.


Today i din go for ncc
fell sick so din go
so i wonder if they had fun?
anyways now i m so bored!!!!!

Based on: 3:59 PM ,

P.S.: You are not alone.


i m so bored
i got nothing to say
nothing happen so far]
noi that i almost got stuffed into dustbin by fitri siddq n jie wei again
n lucky i was holding this metal stick
n i swang it like a drunken wake anyhow
n i DARE!!!!


Based on: 9:43 PM ,

P.S.: You are not alone.


i have go nothing much to say
waaa so bored at home
n thnks alot ruhayu(>_<)
yay cant wait for monday for skool to start!!!!!!


Based on: 3:55 PM ,

P.S.: You are not alone.


on friday went to pasir labar camp shoot
imt shoot
waaa 14 2 mor then marks man wasted
then aftr that go back skool
then kena scolded by sir
then aftr that go eat dinner then half way ghup come
we play his game
mix all the food up then open number the person kena muz eat
then we play
so me toh joshuan robin amirul hilmy novell canice n ghup
we play till amirul vomit
then i faster run wif him to toilet
then when i come back i kena forfeit for runnin kena eat as much as the mash potato container
then put alot insside there then i must eat waaa
but no choice eat oni
then aftr that go back home
waa tmr git camp dun1 go(>_<)


Based on: 3:17 PM ,

P.S.: You are not alone.


ok today nothing much
had 2 stay back in skool coz riz took my fone again
so had to wait till 4+
so they left skool at abt 12.30
so we played played then joke joke during math
then strr8 aftr class
we were walking
toh me jie wei roshan n vinod
k so walking
then ghup n shu kai came so they say brother brotherr
ok la
then near the stairs there zul come
tok tok
then ghup ttry to make me fall so i hold him n fling him against 1 door till he almost fall then suddenly zul come hold me
then they both carry me n STUFF ME IN2 THE DUSTBIN
i was like screamin then toh jie wei they all stand there laugh oni
ghup go push me SO DEEP INSIDE
finaly i force my self out
then aftr tat play soccer awile
then we sleep at the court
i fitri toh joshua jie wei
while roshan happily tro stones at hua min
almost kena glass
then tak pics tok tok
then go wait at canteen then riz came
took back fone
i fitri n jie wei wan go sleep again
we go sleep awile
then got ball so play awile
then aftr that we go canteen do SUPER STUPID THINGS
till alot of ppl stare
then we go toilet suddenly ghup come then play socer awile again
then went back home together
ooo riz if u read this URGENT CALL ME!!!!!!


Based on: 5:44 PM ,

P.S.: You are not alone.


Here are som of the pics at the civic centre(>_<)

While performing

b4 performing

Hais had lots of fun
n was proud


Based on: 1:27 AM ,

P.S.: You are not alone.


anyways ooo i gues that guy must be FAST????

Based on: 11:00 PM ,

P.S.: You are not alone.

yesterday the pds performance was good
wow all our hardwork
we put our heart n soul into it
yay it was good
everything we practised for
also had alot of fun ah....
lols so happy(>_<)
miss her alots(>_@)
then aftr that went marsling awile then aftr that go sembawang to tak somthing from cousin then went home
tiring ah
but yesterday the PDS performance was good


Based on: 4:31 PM ,

P.S.: You are not alone.


yay i so happy
i miss her alot though!!!!
but i m so happy yayay nothing much to day
juz scared of the pds performance tmr
scared we cock up
if we do sure die ah
so juz wish us good luck n

Based on: 8:35 PM ,

P.S.: You are not alone.


Finaly got the pics
so sat went to visit kavita

joke joke around
brout kavita down
then play play
so toh kelvin wen xuan n siddiq went to eat
while i joshua amirul n kavita were jkin
so tokk this 2 pics hahas

We seriously coulden tak it anymor
the toilet was 2 far
then aftr awile her parents came
wif her parrot
so cute
then we play play then wenxuan they all came back
then i faster go fetch pravin
then go see kavita
then toh siddiq joshua wen xuan n kelvin go home
so i amirul n pravin left
then her parents brout her up go have dinner
so wait down stairs
then afrt awile go up say goodbye....
then we tak bus get down infront of 1 cheers
then walk all the way to velocity
then novena square
then slack slack
then took som pics
then finaly we 3 went home
fun fun day
oh ya in the bus we seriosly saw a gay..
i m not insulting coz i m serious...
this is not a joke...
oh n also lot of traffic police escorting this line of army vehicles which jammed the road

Based on: 10:19 PM ,

P.S.: You are not alone.